Minimally Invasive Bypass Surgery

Minimally invasive coronary artery bypass surgery is done through smaller incisions and the procedure may be done without stopping the heart. Some patients can even leave the hospital within 48 hours.

Minimally Invasive Bypass Surgery

Minimally invasive coronary artery bypass surgery is done through smaller incisions and the procedure may be done without stopping the heart.

Some patients can even leave the hospital within 48 hours. This operation is only used for patients whose blockages can be bypassed through this smaller incision and whose risk of complications is low.

Some common facts about bypass surgery:

  • Most people are fit enough in 3 weeks time.
  • Can drive, swim, join Gymnasium and have normal sex life in 4 weeks.
  • If the procedure is done through a mini or key-hole cut then patient can join back work just in 2 weeks time!!

Speciality about Bypass performed by Dr. Ritwick:

  • Very high success rate up to 99% for most of the cases.
  • Extremely patient friendly.
  • Almost Zero Blood loss or bleeding and hence no blood transfusion.
  • Wonderfully painless.
  • Maximum use of arteries and LESS OR NO USE OF VEINS FROM LEGS (arteries last almost 15 years longer than leg veins).
  • Most patients join back work within a month’s time.

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